Boundary Coaching
It’s Time to Explore Your Boundaries
Boundary Coaching allows you to live life on your own terms. That is, to consciously curate, what you want to bring into your life and what you want to keep out. In the end it offers expansiveness in your life rather than constriction, and resentment.
The definition of boundaries in this work is simply what’s okay and not okay for you. Boundaries are about you and only you and because of that you will learn to practice and honor how to put yourself first and then move from a place of change at the level of the Self – not others. So, if there is a tendency in you to want to control, or change others to do what you want, this will be challenging and very healthy work for you. This is about how to take care of yourself in the context of other’s behaviors, actions that might not be aligned with you. It’s learning how to be in full self-agency and not fall into victim or blame mode. And ultimately establish deeper and more fulfilling connections in your relationships.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Explore your boundaries: Identify and categorize them on a 3-tier pyramid that you will continue to use
Own that’s it’s been YOU all along who’s been crossing your own boundaries
Grasp how your Limiting Beliefs (the story you tell yourself about yourself and how the world works) and how those and Underlying Commitments (promises you made to yourself) stand in the way of you getting what you want and looking out for yourself.
Make NEW empowering beliefs and promises that support you
Learn about the 3 primary obstacles for setting boundaries (fear, short-term discomfort, and conflict)
Become adept at utilizing scripts that help you set and hold your boundaries
Practice setting a lower-level boundary first, then toward the end of the 12-weeks, be prepared to set and maintain one that will make a big difference in your life
Setting and maintaining boundaries takes effort, commitment, and a desire to live a life where you are fully self-expressed, caring, and authentic. Be willing to cut through feeling uncomfortable. It’s through the willingness to be uncomfortable and sometimes awkward that we experience growth and change for the better. What are you waiting for? Be a stand for yourself and your life and when you’re ready, I’ll be there
Boundary Coaching (One on One)
Boundary Coaching (Group)